New user registration

New User Registration

Registration gives you access to our Storefront for easy online ordering, and to our Vet Portal, where you can find product information, research materials, and order process for international orders. If you do not want to register, please visit our  website.

How registration works:

  1. Please fill out the form below. Fields marked with an “*” are mandatory. If you previously registered on our VetImmune general audience website, you need to create a new account for the vet store. We apologize for the inconvenience.
    Important: Please leave the vet locator option selected if you want to be added to our worldwide vet locator on VetImmune’s public site.
  2. We review your application. The approval process is for your protection, and to make sure that only veterinarians can use access our dedicated store. This process is fast, and once approved, you receive a confirmation email with your account information.
  3. Once approved, your membership gives you unrestricted access to the site’s content, and lets you place orders without restrictions. 
  4. Please note: when you place your first order, you will need to re-enter your information, plus billing and shipping information. You will not have to re-enter that information for subsequent orders.

Please read our privacy policy.

Please note: Your information is strictly confidential. VetImmune® does not share personal or professional information with third parties.